Dental Social Media Post Ideas for November

November is an important month for dentists as it brings awareness to several health issues and diseases related to oral health. It is a month dedicated to spreading knowledge and promoting healthy habits that can help individuals maintain good oral hygiene. This month, dentists around the world participate in various events and campaigns to educate the public about the importance of taking care of their teeth and gums. November is also an opportunity to raise awareness about diseases such as oral cancer, lung cancer, and diabetes that can have a significant impact on oral health.

November 23, 2023

Last Updated: November 23, 2023

Dental Social Media Calendar Graphic for November

November Month and Weeklong Celebrations

TMJ Awareness Month: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also known as TMJ disorder, is a condition that affects the muscles and joints that connect the jawbone to the skull, causing pain, stiffness, and difficulty with chewing, speaking, and opening and closing the mouth. As dental professionals, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder, and educate patients on proper care and treatment options.

Organize a free TMJ screening day at your dental practice and encourage patients to come in and get screened for TMJ disorder.

Share some interesting facts about TMJ and how it can be treated. Here a few to get you started:

  1. TMJ issues affect over 10 million people in the United States. (Source: the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research)
  2. Women are almost 9 times as likely than males to suffer from TMJ issues. (Source: the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery)
  3. Stress is a primary cause of TMJ issues, accounting for around 70% of cases. (Source: the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research)

Collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or chiropractors, to provide a comprehensive approach to treating TMJ disorder and offer referral options for patients.

National Diabetes Month: is observed in November to raise awareness about diabetes and the impact it can have on overall health, including oral health. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar, leading to a variety of health complications if left untreated. As dental professionals, it is important to recognize the link between diabetes and oral health, as patients with diabetes are at a higher risk for gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental problems.

Offer free dental check-ups and oral health screenings to patients with diabetes, and provide education and resources about the link between diabetes and oral health.

Highlight the connection between diabetes and oral health. For example, diabetes patients' immune systems make them more vulnerable to oral health issues such as gum disease and tooth decay. Furthermore, gum disease can exacerbate diabetic complications by making it more difficult to control blood sugar levels.

Collaborate with local healthcare professionals, such as endocrinologists or diabetes educators, to provide a comprehensive approach to treating diabetes and promoting overall health.

National Family Caregivers Month: is a celebration to honor and recognize the hard work and dedication of family caregivers who provide support and care for their loved ones. As dental professionals, it is important to recognize the role that family caregivers play in the health and well-being of their loved ones, particularly those who may have dental or oral health needs that require extra attention and care.

Use social media and other marketing channels to promote National Family Caregivers Month and share stories and resources that celebrate and honor the important work of family caregivers.

Share tips and guidance on oral hygiene and dental care for individuals with disabilities or other health conditions that may require extra attention and care from family caregivers.

Offer free oral health screenings for family caregivers and their loved ones.

National Native American Heritage Month is to celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of Native Americans to the United States. As a dentist, you can use this month as an opportunity to learn more about the oral health needs and challenges facing Native American communities, and to explore ways to provide culturally responsive and inclusive care.

Highlight notable Native American dental professionals throughout history:

  1. Dr. George Blue Spruce Jr. - In 1956, Dr. Blue Spruce Jr. graduated from the University of Colorado School of Dentistry as the first Native American dentist. Later, in 1998, he was elected the first Native American president of the American Dental Association after serving as the dental director of the Phoenix Indian Medical Center.
  2. Dr. Edwin Smith, a member of the Seneca Nation, earned his dental medicine degree from the University of Buffalo in 1968. He later opened his own orthodontic office in Buffalo, New York, and went on to become the first Native American to practice orthodontics.
  3. Dr. Michael Reddy is the current dean of the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry and a member of the Choctaw Nation. He has worked with numerous groups to enhance access to dental treatment and has been a vocal proponent for bettering oral health in Native American communities.

Educate yourself and your staff on the unique oral health needs and challenges facing Native American communities, and explore ways to provide equitable and accessible dental care.

Use social media and other marketing channels to raise awareness and promote understanding of the diverse cultures and contributions of Native Americans, as well as the importance of oral health and dental care in these communities.

Lung Cancer Awareness Month: As healthcare professionals, dentists have an important role to play in raising awareness about lung cancer and its impact on oral health. Lung Cancer Awareness Month is an opportunity to educate patients about the links between lung cancer and tobacco use, as well as the importance of early detection and treatment.

Offering smoking cessation resources: Dentists can provide patients who smoke with resources and support to quit, such as nicotine replacement therapy, counseling, or referrals to smoking cessation programs.

Share interesting and powerful information on the effect smoking has on oral health such as:

  1. Smokers are four times more likely to develop periodontal disease, which can result in tooth loss, than non-smokers. (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Smoking and Periodontal Disease. )
  2. Smoking can reduce salivary flow, which might result in dry mouth. As saliva serves to neutralize toxic acids in the mouth, this may raise the risk of tooth decay. (Source: American Dental Association. (n.d.). Smoking and Tobacco: Oral Health Risks.)
  3. Approximately 90% of persons with oral cancer smoke, suggesting that tobacco use can contribute to the disease. (Source: American Cancer Society. (2021). Key Statistics for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers.)

Distributing informational materials: Dentists can distribute brochures, flyers, or other materials about lung cancer and its impact on oral health in their waiting rooms or online.

Mouth Cancer Action Month: Raise awareness about the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer. The campaign aims to promote early detection and prevention of this deadly disease, which can affect the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat.

Share some interesting facts about how mouth cancer and how it can be detected by dentists during routine visits:

  1. Regular dental exams can typically spot the early signs of oral cancer. This is due to the fact that dentists have the education and experience to recognize the earliest symptoms of oral cancer, including ulcers, red or white patches, and lumps or bumps.
  2. Oral cancer has a 65% five-year survival rate. However, if the cancer is found in its earliest stages, the survival rate might reach 90%. This emphasizes the significance of scheduling routine dental examinations for early diagnosis and care. (Source: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. (2021). Oral Cancer.)
  3. The usage of tobacco products and alcohol are major contributors to the development of oral cancer. The human papillomavirus (HPV) has also been linked to an increased risk of developing mouth cancer. Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) and warnings about the risks of tobacco and alcohol use are two ways dentists can help patients lower their chance of developing oral cancer. (Source: American Cancer Society. (2021). Risk Factors for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers.)
  4. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2022 there was around 54,540 new cases of cancer of the oral cavity or pharynx in the United States. They also predict that this type of cancer led to almost 12 thousand deaths! (Source: The American Cancer Society: "Key Statistics for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers")

Wearing blue ribbon badges to show support for mouth cancer patients and survivors.

Participating in charity runs or walks to raise funds for mouth cancer research and treatment.

Two dental "dad" jokes for your social media... use with caution...

Dental Social Media Joke Graphic

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Social Media Joke Post Graphic for Dentists

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Individual Days and Holidays

*Please keep in mind that some national holidays differ depending on where you live. For example, National Tooth Fairy Day is observed on August 22nd in the United States and February 28th in the United Kingdom. Although we have done our best to include this information in our list, we recommend conducting a quick Google search before posting to confirm the dates in your region.

The month of November is packed with meaningful holidays that provide dental professionals with opportunities to engage with patients, promote oral health, and give back to the community. Dental professionals can leverage these holidays to educate patients, offer promotions or discounts, organize community events, and promote kindness, gratitude, and generosity, while promoting good oral health practices and making a positive impact on their patients and communities.

November 1st - National Stress Awareness Day: The day aims to raise awareness about stress and its impact on physical, emotional, and mental health. Dentists can use this day to educate their patients about the negative effects of stress on oral health. Stress can cause teeth grinding, jaw clenching, dry mouth, and can compromise the immune system, making patients more susceptible to gum disease and other oral health problems.

  • Offer special promotions or discounts on dental services to help alleviate financial stress for patients.
  • Encourage patients to practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.
  • Offer tips for managing stress-related dental issues such as bruxism (teeth grinding) or TMJ disorders.

November 8th - World Radiography Day (aka X-Ray Day): This day highlights the importance of radiography in medicine and dentistry, and celebrates the contributions made by radiographers and other healthcare professionals who work with medical imaging technologies. As a dental professional, it's important to recognize the role that radiography plays in the diagnosis and treatment of oral health issues, and to stay up to date with the latest advancements in radiography technology and techniques.

  • Share pictures of the dental imaging machines within your office including information about how they are used to help guests.
  • Share information on the history of x-rays in dentistry: Since its introduction into dentistry by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895, X-rays have been a vital tool. C. Edmund Kells, an American dentist, took the first dental X-ray in 1896, ushering in the usage of X-rays in dentistry. The innovation spread quickly and became a common diagnostic tool in dental clinics all over the world, assisting doctors in spotting undiscovered cavities, bone loss, and other dental issues. To protect patients and dental professionals, new technology and safety precautions have been developed in response to radiation exposure worries. With the widespread use of digital X-rays, radiation exposure has been greatly decreased, making the procedure safer and more effective than ever. The development of technology in dentistry has progressed, as seen by the history of X-rays, and it is clear how important diagnostic equipment is to providing quality oral health care.
  • Show appreciation for radiologic technologists and dental assistants who work in dental radiography and thank them for their contribution to the dental profession.

November 11th - Veterans Day: is a federal holiday in the United States that is observed annually on November 11. The day is dedicated to honoring military veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

  • Educating dental staff on how to better serve and communicate with veteran patients, including those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other service-related health issues.
  • Participating in community events or parades honoring veterans and promoting oral health.
  • Offering free or discounted dental services to veterans on Veterans Day.

November 13th - World Kindness Day: The day encourages people to spread kindness and generosity, creating a ripple effect of positivity. It's a day to remind people to be kind to one another, whether it's through simple acts such as holding the door open for someone or volunteering for a charitable cause.

  • Send thank you notes or small gifts to dental assistants, hygienists, and other staff members to show appreciation for their hard work and dedication.
  • Share positive affirmations or uplifting quotes with patients to promote kindness and positivity.
  • Donate dental supplies or volunteer at a local clinic that provides dental care to underserved communities.

November 15th - National Recycling Day: is a day to encourage and promote recycling efforts across the United States. The day is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the environmental impact of waste disposal and the benefits of recycling.

  • Organize a recycling drive at your dental office and encourage patients to bring in their old toothbrushes, dental floss containers, and other dental products for recycling.
  • Partner with local recycling organizations or businesses to promote National Recycling Day and raise awareness about recycling in your community. 
  • Share some interesting and hopeful information about recycling in the dental world such as the following:
  1. The majority of oral hygiene items, such as toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes, are not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to break down in landfills. To lessen the environmental impact of dental care items, numerous businesses have initiated recycling programs. As an illustration, Colgate and TerraCycle collaborated to develop a program that enables customers to recycle their toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, and other oral care items.
  2. There are eco-friendly alternatives to conventional oral health care items in addition to recycling programs. For instance, bamboo toothbrushes are getting more and more popular because they are sustainable and biodegradable.
  3. The American Dental Association found that 82% of Americans think it's critical for dental health care products to be ecologically friendly. This demonstrates an increasing understanding of the significance of sustainability and the effects that oral healthcare products have on the environment.

November 23rd - Thanksgiving: is a national holiday celebrated in the United States usually observed on the fourth Thursday in November in the U.S. It is a time to give thanks and express gratitude for the good things in life, such as family, friends, health, and happiness.

  • Host a Thanksgiving-themed contest or giveaway on social media to engage with patients.
  • Share gratitude on social media by thanking patients for their trust and loyalty.
  • Donate dental supplies or offer free dental services to those in need during the holiday season.
  • Have team member who enjoy running activities take place in an annual "Turkey Trot" and share photos from their run.

November 24th - Flossing Day: Was established to promote good oral hygiene and the importance of flossing to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. This day aims to encourage people to make flossing a daily habit and take steps towards achieving optimal oral health.

  • Educate patients on proper flossing techniques and encourage them to floss daily.
  • Partner with local schools or community organizations to distribute flossing kits and oral health information to students and families.
  • Host a flossing challenge for patients, with prizes for those who successfully floss every day for a week.

November 28th - Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It was created to encourage people to donate their time, resources, and skills to charitable organizations and causes that they care about. The goal is to promote generosity and giving back to the community, which can have a positive impact on mental and physical health.

  • Donate dental services to those in need.
  • Encourage patients to donate to a dental-related charity or cause on Giving Tuesday.

8 Additional Dental Post Ideas for November

These extra dental post ideas for November can focus on several awareness events and celebrations related to oral health, as well as general fall and holiday-themed content.

  1. Dental Health Awareness Month Challenge: Share information and resources about diabetes and its relationship to oral health, and encourage your followers to schedule a dental check-up to prevent or manage oral health issues related to diabetes.
  2. Dental Caregivers Month: Share stories of caregivers and the role they play in maintaining the oral health of their loved ones, and encourage your followers to schedule a dental check-up for their loved ones or to share their own caregiver stories.
  3. Hospice and Palliative Dental Care Month: Share information about the role of hospice and palliative dental care in maintaining the oral health of patients with life-limiting illnesses, and encourage your followers to schedule a dental check-up to maintain their oral health during their illness.
  4. Dental Radiography Week Challenge: Share information about the role of dental radiography in diagnosing and treating oral health issues, and encourage your followers to schedule a dental check-up and ask their dentist about the use of dental radiography.
  5. Oral-Systemic Health Awareness Month Challenge: Share information about the relationship between oral health and overall health, including skin health, and encourage your followers to schedule a dental check-up to maintain their overall health.
  6. Dental Family Week Challenge: Share pictures of your team or patients with their families and encourage your followers to prioritize their family's oral health by scheduling a dental check-up for the whole family.
  7. Mouth Cancer Awareness Month Challenge: Share information and resources about mouth cancer and encourage your followers to schedule a dental check-up to detect and treat any signs of mouth cancer early.
  8. Gratitude Challenge: Start a gratitude challenge where participants share something they are thankful for each day and encourage them to include their dental health or dental care team as something they are grateful for.

In conclusion, there are plenty of opportunities for dentists to engage with their patients and followers on social media during the month of November. From raising awareness about health conditions like diabetes, stress, and oral cancer to celebrating holidays like Thanksgiving and Flossing Day, dentists can create informative and engaging content that promotes good oral health habits and connects with their community. By utilizing these post ideas and challenges, dentists can foster a sense of community, inspire their followers to take action towards their oral health, and ultimately, build stronger relationships with their patients.

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